Issue 3(22), 2018
Published on 7 December 2018
In November 2018 the OGRI RAS held the Second All-Russian Conference of Youth Scientists: Actual Problems of Oil and Gas. The conference featured presentations by young scientists, specialists, postgraduates and students on a wide range of issues related to geological study, exploration, development of hydrocarbon fields, reservoir rocks and formation fluids. A number of articles developing the topics of oral presentations of the conference participants are presented in this issue of the Actual Problems of Oil and Gas journal.
1. Fundamental issues of geology, geophysics and geochemistry of oil and gas
Abukova L.A., Rakhbari N.Yu., Varyagova E.P. Suffosion of terrigenous sediments as the geofluidodynamic heterogeneity factor
Punanova S.A. Peculiarities of accumulation in naphthydes of vanadium and nickel
Ulmasvay F.S., Sidorchuk E.A., Dobrynina S.A. Geodynamic stresses as a manifestation of tectonic mechanisms of oil and gas accumulation at great depths
Yakupova E.M. Oil and gas prospects of the fold-over belt of the northern part of the Predverhoyansky foredeep
Zhilina I.V., Utoplennikov V.K. Resource base of hydrocarbon raw material of volga-ural and timan-pechora oil and gas provinces, prospects of its replenishment
Gurova D.I., Popova M.N., Khitrov A.M. Paleozoic carbonate structures of the upper pechora depression of the timan-pechora province and their resource potential
Yusupova I.F. The role of catagenic losses of oil shale organic matter in the formation of fractures
Abukova L.A., Isaeva G.Yu., Chigarev B.N. Geofluidodynamic forming factors of unstructured hydrocarbon reservoirs in tight reservoir rocks
2. New methods and technologies of studying the geological environment of oil and gas bearing basins
Gubin V.N. Forecasting geofluidodynamic structures in the pripyat oil and gas basin by remote sensing methods
Kolevatov А.А., Afanaskin I.V., Solopov D.V., Dyachenko A.G., Ponomarev A.K. Oil field hydrodynamic model refinement through relative permeability curves reconstruction by remote sensing methods
Petrov I.B., Stognii P.V., Khokhlov N.I., Petrov D.I. Exploration of influence of anticlinal structures in the arctic shelf on seismic replies by grid-characteristic methoD
Skibitskaya N.A., Bolshakov M.N., Kuzmin V.A., Marutyan O.O. The behaviours of direct-flow capillary imbibition processes in orenburg oil-gas-condensate field productive carbonate deposits
Shuleikin V.N. Hydrogen, methane, radon and lightning discharges cloud–earth
Shuster V.L., Punanova S.A. Methodical approach to the probable quantitative evaluation of the prospects of the oil and gas regional deposits of northwestern Siberia
Yurova M.P. Block model of hydrocarbon deposits structure is the basis of object modeling during design
Shuster V.L., Zinatullina L.I. Experience in using basin modeling to assess the prospects of oil and gas content of jurassic deposits in the Western part of the Yamal Peninsula
Kazankova E.R., Kornilova N.V. Location features of major oil fields in the North-Caucasian oil and gas province (from the standpoint of nonlinear geodynamics)
Senin S.V., Morozova S.V., Yudina P.V., Smirnova N.A. Utoplennikov V.K., Drabkina A.D. Peculiarities of the composition of oil of Nertsetinsky deposit and prospects of the oil and gas responsibility of the deep layering sediments of the western side of Kosyu-Rogovskaya depression
Kouzin A.M. Geological interretation of seismic data based on modeling of elastic wave propagation. Part 1
3. Innovative technologies for oil and gas resources exploitation in complicated geological and critical environmental condition
Vulfson A.N., Borodin O.O. Application of the similarity theory to the description of the rate of soil erosion by the borehole hydraulic technology and the estimation of the reservoir size by sound location sensing
Popov S.N., Metlyaev E.I. Analysis of the efficiency of proppantless hydraulic fracturing with cyclic injection of liquid: the case of one of the fields of North Africa
Sizikov A.A., Stoporev A.S., Manakov A.Yu. Self-preservation of methane hydrate obtained from water-in-oil emulsions
Stoporev A.S., Sizikov A.A., Cheshkova T.V., Semenov A.P., Manakov A.Yu., Vinokurov V.A. SELF-PRESERVATION OF GAS HYDRATES: EFFECT OF THE ENVIRONMENT
4. New technologies and approaches to oil and gas field development
Utoplennikov V.K., Katunova D.M., Irbakhtin A.N., Drabkina A.D. Повышение эффективности испытания поисково-разведочных скважин в обсаженном стволе с использованием малогабаритных пластоиспытателей
Demyanovsky V.B., Bokhan A.A., Kaushansky D.A. Studying the mechanical properties of polymer-gel systems “Temposcreen-Plus” and “Temposcreen-Lux” by the method of indentation
5. Current methods of oil and gas mechanics and physics of reservoir systems
Lesin V.I., Alekseeva Yu.V. Evolution of the structure of oil fractal aggregates under the action of shear stress
Kravchenko M.N., Maksimov V.M., Tsybulsky S.P. New method of the core laboratory analysis for identification of the orthotropic and monoclinic symmetry of flow properties
6. Experimental and theoretical studies of thermodynamic features and phase behavior of hydrocarbon mixtures;
Kuryakov V.N., Kosov V.I., Muratov A.R. Investigation of asphaltene aggregation by means of dynamic and static light scattering
Batalin O.Yu., Vafina N.G. Condensation model of hydrocarbon field formation: principles
Semiglasov D.Yu. Development of a new methodological approach to research of functions of relative permeability by the method of unsteady state displacement (JBN)
Kuryakov V.N., Ivanova D.D. Study of phase transitions inn-tricosane(C23H48) – crude oil mixture by light scattering technique
Odinaeva A.A., Molokitina N.S. The effect of a hydrophobic stabilizer on the structure and stability of the water dispersion system
7. New approaches to predicting the prispecting and development of unconventional hydrocarbon resources
Skibitskaya N.A., Navrotsky O.K., Burkhanova I.O., Zekel L.A., Bolshakov M.N. Microelement content of high-molecular-weight components of the early oil: the case of west and east sections of orenburg oil-gas-condensate field
Barenbaum A.A., Shilovskaya T.I., Shilovsky A.P. Trapp formations in the southeast of the east european platform and their role in the formation of hydrocarbon traces
Kuzmin V.A., Skibitskaya N.A. Microcstruture classification of oil and gas reservoirs
Kireeva T.A., Utoplennikov V.K. Forecasting oil productivity of the west siberian basement according to the theory of oil mixgenesis
Rodkin M.V., Rukavishnikova T.A. Induced seismicity: a serious threat for shale oil production?
8. Environmental monitoring and industrial security of oil and gas facilities
Tupysev M.K. Gas moisture content dynamics control during gas fields development
9. Strategic planning issues of oil and gas industry.
Shuster V.L. Risk analysis during oil and gas exploration
10. Scientific schools and scientific luminariers
Kalashnikova L.A. Academician Grigory Aleksandrovich Gamburtsev: to the 115th anniversary of his birth