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The journal accepts original, previously unpublished articles only.

A submitted article should comply with the topics of our journal. It should have original and new content, as well as veracity, integrity and consistency of the results and conclusions.

An article should be designed according to the rules of the journal.

An article can be submitted via e-mail oilgasjournal@ipng.ru. In the title of the file, the last name of the first author and the submission date should be indicated: «Ivanov_10.08.2018». In the e-mail message, the data of all the authors (the full names, organizations, e-mail addresses and contact phones) should be written. It is also obligatory to indicate the corresponding author.

The Editorial Staff considers all the submitted manuscripts to be confidential documents. They cannot be used to gain any profit for any persons and organizations. All the articles are subject to copyright.

The Editorial Staff tests all the submitted articles for the originality of their content. If the originality is less than 70 percent, the article is declared inadmissible.

An article must not include any data violating personal, state or trade secrecy.

An article must not include more than 3 bibliographical links to the same author's papers, including the authors of the submitted article.

The sumbitted manuscripts are subject to blind peer-review process (Peer-review policy).

The authors retain their copyright and give the journal the right of the first publication of their article.

The final decision to approve or reject the publication of an article is the prerogative of the Editorial Board. An article may be rejected in case of:

  • its inconsistency with the topics of the journal;
  • its inconsistency with the terms of publishing of the journal (Article design guidelines);
  • the negative peer-review results;
  • the author's failure to comply with the laws on copyright and related rights.

By sending the contributions to the journal, the author (or the team of authors):

  • realizes that (s)he is responsible for the reliability of the results of the scientific research;
  • confirms that the submitted paper has not been published anywhere before, has not and will not be sent for publication to other scientific publications without notifying the journal;
  • guarantees that the research results presented in the submitted paper are fully original;
  • writes the borrowed fragments or statements with obligatory indication of the author and the original source;
  • bears responsibility for illegal use of intellectual property objects, objects of copyright or know-how in scientific article in full accordance to the current legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • notifies the Editorial Staff of the discovery of any errors or inaccuracies in the paper;
  • informs the Editorial Staff of any potential conflict of interest;
  • gives her/his consent to editorial changes (literary editing and proofreading) of the text of the paper;
  • confirms that all persons mentioned as co-authors have made significant contributions to the research and writing of the paper.

After an article is accepted, each of the authors should sign the contract with the journal.

Publication in the journal is free of charge.